Price schedule specification item window
Price schedule specification item window

Entry windows used to work with price schedule specification items:

These windows are opened from the context menu of the Specification panel's data grid. Alternatively, you can open them by pasting menu items or draft menu items from the clipboard.

The entry window is used to add one or more new items to the price schedule specification: menu items or draft menu items.

You can open the New price schedule specification item entry window by using the Add command or by pasting one menu items or one draft menu item from the clipboard.

Figure 5.172. Price schedule specification item entry window

The Properties panel is composed of the following fields:

  • Price schedule indicates the price schedule, to the specification of which the menu item or the draft menu item is being added. The field is read-only.

  • Price schedule specification item designates the name of the menu item or draft menu item. This is a required field.

    By default, the selection button opens the Select menu item window.

    This field has a drop-down list with the following commands:

    Figure 5.173. Price schedule specification item entry window

    Active menu items, which can be included in the price schedule specification, are selected in the Select menu item window. Draft menu items and their shortcuts can be selected in the Select draft menu item window.

    If the selected item has already been included into the specification, an error icon will appear next to the field. If you hover your mouse over the error icon, a warning message will appear to inform you of the cause of the error.

    Figure 5.174. A warning message will be displayed if an attempt is made to add the same item twice.

Click OK to save data. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

The multiple entry window opens of two or more menu items or draft menu items are pasted from the clipboard. A panel with a list of the clipboard items is added to the window.

The fields are similar to those in the Price schedule specification item window.