Login with password panel in the Employee window
Login with password panel in the Employee window

The Login with password panel is used to enter attributes that are used when registering employees in Tillypad XL Manager and Tillypad XL POS.

Figure 10.10. Login with password panel

The Login with password panel is composed of the following fields:

  • Username indicates the username of the employee.

    Usernames are used to log into Tillypad XL Manager. The username is entered in the User field in the password entry window.

  • Password is a combination of letters, numbers and special characters that the user enters when logging in to Tillypad XL Manager and Tillypad XL POS.

    When signing in to the Tillypad XL Manager system, please enter your password in the Password field.

  • Confirm password is the field where you enter the password again for confirmation.

    If the symbols in the Password and Confirm password fields do not match, an error message will be displayed when you try to store data in the database.

  • Quick selection code is a numeric code used to speed up the selection of the employee from the list when using the easy login mode in Tillypad XL POS.

    You can use a quick selection code in the easy login mode instead of the username if the code is assigned to one employee only. When you enter a quick selection code assigned to two or more employees, a list of the employees with this code will appear on the POS terminal screen. To log in, the user must select his or her account from the list.

  • Easy login denotes whether the easy login mode can be used in Tillypad XL POS (without IDs, e.g. magnetic cards). This is a required field.

    You can choose between Yes and No.

    With easy login mode, the user can enter a quick selection code or select a user from the list.