Add a payment setting

Add a payment setting

At this stage, you need to add a new payment setting (which will be used in the staff cafeteria to allow employees to pay for meals from their accounts) to the Payment settings directory. The payment setting you have created must be selected for use on the POS terminal.

To add a payment setting, select the Add command from the context menu of the Payment settings directory. An entry window will open. Fill out the fields in the Properties panel.

Figure 25.24. Main payment setting attributes filled in

Click on the Specification panel to expand it. To add a new item to the payment setting specification, select the Add command from the context menu. An entry window will open. Fill out the fields in the Properties panel.

Figure 25.25. Main payment setting specification item attributes filled in

Press OK. The entry window will close, and the new item will be added to the payment setting specification.

Figure 25.26. Created payment setting specification item

To add a new sales department to the payment setting specification, select the Add sales department command from the context menu. An entry window will open. Fill out the fields in the Properties panel.

Figure 25.27. Main payment setting attributes in the sales department filled in

Press OK. The entry window will close, and the new sales department will be added to the payment setting specification.

Figure 25.28. Created payment setting in the sales department

To add a new payment method to the payment setting specification, select the Add payment method command from the context menu. An entry window will open. Fill out the fields in the Properties panel.

Figure 25.29. Main payment method setting attributes filled out in the payment setting

Press OK. The entry window will close, and the new payment method will be added to the payment setting specification.

Figure 25.30. Created payment method in the payment setting

Press OK. The entry window will close, and the new payment setting will be added to the directory.

Figure 25.31. Payment setting created

The payment setting you have created must be selected for use on the staff cafeteria POS terminal. In the Devices directory, open the device editor window, expand the Terminal panel, and select the payment setting to be used on the POS terminal.

Figure 25.32. Select a payment setting for the POS terminal

Press OK. The editor window will close, and changes made to the directory will be saved.