Creating a task to distribute reports to employees

Creating a task to distribute reports to employees

At this stage you will create a task for distributing reports to employees. You will also create the schedule for this task.

To add a task to the Tasks directory, select the Add command in the context menu of the directory. An entry window will open. Fill out the fields in the Properties panel.

Figure 25.52. Adding a report distribution task

To set up a start schedule for the task, expand the Schedule panel. To add new schedule, select the Add command in the task specification. Select the attribute for recurring execution of the task.

Figure 25.53. Adding a task execution schedule

Press OK. The entry window will close, and the schedule will be added to the directory.

Figure 25.54. Task schedule added to the directory

Press OK. The entry window will close, and the task will be added to the directory.

Figure 25.55. Task added