On-screen button formats

On-screen button formats

Revision History
The System column was added to the data grid.
The Security level column was added to the data grid. The Access panel was added to the Menu type window.
The Clipboard menu was added to the context menu of the data grid. A description of the multiple entry window was added.
The directory was renamed On-screen button formats and moved to the Devices menu.

To enter data on POS terminals, you can use either a traditional keyboard that records mechanical strokes or an on-screen keyboard that appears on a sensor screen.

An on-screen (virtual) key is, functionally, an area on the sensor screen. These on-screen buttons are used:

To display selection tables with buttons on the POS terminal screen, locate the GridButtons option (in the Show menu) within the device settings and assign this option the value True.

Show = ( GridButtons = True ... )

Figure 34.2104. POS terminal settings

Initially, all buttons are displayed in the standard format created by the developer. You can edit the standard on-screen button image by specifying one of the pre-defined formats for it.

Figure 34.2105. Standard button images on the POS terminal screen

An On-screen button format has the following set of parameters: colour, size, text font characteristics, and relative positions of the text and the picture. Users can modify button formats on the basis of ready-made styles. These styles designate the relative positions of the picture and the text on a programmable button.

The on-screen button format is used in the Menu and Draft menu directories, in the Payment methods directory, and in the POS terminal operating modes directory.

The On-screen button formats directory is used to manage the formats of buttons that are displayed on POS terminal screens.