Notification device window
Notification device window

Windows used to manage notification devices in a location specification:

All of these windows are opened from the context menu of the Notification devices panel data grid.

You can open the editor window by using the Edit command. From here, you can modify attributes of one or more notification devices.

If one entry is selected in the specification data grid, the Notification device editor window opens:

Figure 11.95. Notification device editor window

Window fields:

  • Location is a location that has a notification device in its specification. This is a required field.

    The drop-down list contains the names of the selected locations.

  • Notification device is the name of the notification device. This is a required field.

    Please select a device in the Select device window from a list of devices that can receive messages.

    The list includes only those devices that are connected to the device loaders for which this location is specified.

Click OK to save data. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

The multiple notification devices editor window opens if two or more entries are selected in the data grid. The name of the editor window changes to Notification devices. A panel with a list of the selected items is added to the editor window.

Figure 11.96. Multiple notification devices editor window

The fields and their completion rules are similar to those in the Notification device window.

You can open the New notification device entry window by using the Add command. In this window, you can add a new item to the specification.

Figure 11.97. New notification device entry window

The fields and their completion rules are similar to those in the Notification device window.