Create a sales rule

Create a sales rule

At this stage, you need to create the sales rule Three for two. This sales rule will apply the promotion category Third beer to all guest tabs opened in the Club division from 15:00 to 23:00.

To change attributes of the sales rule, select the Edit command from the context menu of the Sales rules directory.

Figure 21.7. Sales rule specification

An editor window will open. Click on the Specification panel to expand it.

To determine the sales rule application period, add a time interval beginning at 15:00 and ending at 23:00 to the specification.

Figure 21.8. Adding the time interval to the sales rule specification

As a result, two intervals will be added to the sales rule specification. The first interval will start at 15:00 and end at 23:00, and the second will begin at 23:00 and continue until the end of the business day.

Figure 21.9. Time interval added to the sales rule specification

Add the promotion category Third beer to the interval that starts at 15:00 and ends at 23:00.

Figure 21.10. Time intervals for promotion category application

The sales rule Three for two will use the promotion category Third beer from 15:00 to 23:00.

Click on the Day types panel to expand it, and add the Weekend day type to the data grid.

Figure 21.11. Day type added to the day type setting for the sales rule

The sales rule Three for two will apply only on weekends from 15:00 to 23:00.

Press OK. The editor window will close, and changes made to the directory will be saved.