Personal profiles

Personal profiles

Revision History
The "Language" combo box was changed to the "Language pack" selection box on the "Properties" tab.
The description of personal profile groups was moved to a separate directory, Personal profile groups. The Export and Summary functions menus were added to the context menu.
Changes were made to the general passage.
The System column was added to the data grid of the directory.
The Security level column was added to the data grid of the directory. The Clipboard menu was added to the context menu of the directory. The "Access panel" was added to the "Personal profile group" and "Personal profiles" windows. A description of the "New personal profiles" multiple entry window was added.
The Work address and Home address panels were added to the Personal profiles window.

The Personal profiles directory is used to store extended personal information about private individuals, e.g. employees, regular customers, representatives of partner companies, etc. This information is used for reference only and is not vital to system operation.

Personal profile groups are used to combine personal profiles into groups for ease of use and to better control access.