Experiment windows
Experiment windows



Windows used with experiments:

All these windows are opened from the Experiments menu included in the context menu of the development record specification

The Experiment editor window is opened by the Edit command from the Experiments menu.

Figure 4.202. Experiment editor window

The window is composed of the following fields:

Click OK to save data. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

The fields are the same as in the Experiment window.

The New experiment entry window is opened by the Add command from the Experiments menu. The window is intended to add a new group of columns to describe a new experiment.

Figure 4.203. New experiment entry window

Once an experiment is added to the specification, a new group of columns appears to enter experiment data.

Figure 4.204. Experiment added to the development record specification

The Experiment window is opened by the View command in the Experiments menu of the development record with the status Ready or Registered. This windows is the same as the Experiment editor window, but no changes can be made.

Figure 4.205. Experiment viewing window

Selecting Close will close the viewer window.