Stocktaking records document list

Stocktaking records document list

Stocktaking record window
Collation report panel in the Stocktaking record window
Specification panel in the Stocktaking record window

Stocktaking records contain results of a a physical counting of inventories (stock items, dishes and semi-processed products) on store shelves of the company.

As a result of a stocktaking process the stock on hand of surplus items will be increased. While the level of missing stock items will be diminished. For example, the analysis of a collation report has shown the surplus of apples - 400 g and the deficiency of olive oil - 250 ml. After processing the stocktaking record, the stock of apples will be increased by 400 g, while the stock on hand of olive oil will be diminished by 250 ml.

The Stocktaking records document list is intended to manage stocktaking records.

Location: Store - Stocktaking records.

Figure 4.215. Stocktaking records document list

Data grid columns:

Context menu contains the following commands:

The New stocktaking record and New stocktaking records entry windows are used to add a new stocktaking record. The Stocktaking record and Stocktaking records editor windows are used to edit document list items.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting stocktaking records.