Stock items

Stock items

Revision History
Stock items directory
Stock item window
Stock item group window
Select stock item window
Change stock item unit of measurement group

Stock items in the Tillypad XL system are all saleable goods that are held in stores of the company: foodstuffs, associated goods, equipment, furniture, expendables.

Stock items are managed in the Stock items directory.

For ease of use and search stock items are combined into stock item groups.

The directory also specifies units of measurement used to express volumes and quantities of stock items. You can also add energy value, fats, proteins and carbohydrates to the description of stock items.

Class is a required attribute of stock items. Stock items can belong to one of the following three classes:

Stock items with recipe are provided with recipes and preparation instructions, while stock items for butchering - with butchering instructions.

When dealing with recipes it is sometimes required to replace some ingredients with substitutes. To envisage such cases the user should fill out the specification of stock items to be substituted. The specification includes a list of substitutes and proportions of replaceable items to their substitutes.

In order to make a stock item enabled for sale, it is necessary to create a menu item and specify this stock item in its specification. When the menu item is sold, the associated stock item will be deducted from store upon a sales record.

Below there is a list of operations applicable to stock items: delivery of stock items by suppliers, selling stock items to customers, movement of stock items from store to store, preparation of stock items with recipe, butchering of stock items, internal movement of stock items, experiments with stock items, deduction of stock items from store, usage of stock items after selling menu items, stocktaking of stock items and generating a discrepancies report. All the operations are accompanied by the generation of corresponding reports.

When dealing with stock-out storage operations it is important to take into account the stock item concurrence assigned to this item.

When any changes are made to recipes upon development records, the Update recipes operation should be launched.

The Stock items information is used for calculation and recalculation of stock items.