Draft modifier window

Draft modifier window



Access panel in the Draft modifier window
Specification panel in the Draft modifier window
Draft modifier group window
Draft modifier specification item window
Select draft modifier group window

Windows used to manage draft modifiers:

All of these windows are opened from the context menu of the Draft menu directory.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command and enables to edit one or more draft modifiers.

If one modifier is selected, the Draft modifier window will open.

The window contains the Properties , Access and Specification panels.

Figure 2.189. Draft modifier editor window

The Properties panel is similar to the same-name panel in the Modifier window.

The Properties panel is composed of the following fields:

Click OK to save data. Selecting Apply will save data without closing the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

After some changes have been made, the draft modifier is given the status Edited.

When two or more draft modifiers are selected for editing, the multiple modifier window will open. The title in the window header will change over to the Draft modifiers. Then a panel with a list of the selected elements is added to the editor window.

Figure 2.190. Multiple draft modifiers editor window

The fields are the same as in the Draft modifier editor window.

The entry window is used to add one or more new draft modifiers to the directory.

The New draft modifier entry window is opened by the Add command or by pasting one draft modifier from the clipboard.

Figure 2.191. New draft modifier entry window

The fields are the same as in the Draft modifier editor window.

New draft modifiers added to the directory are given the status Added.

The New draft modifiers entry window is opened when pasting two or more draft modifiers from the clipboard.

The multiple draft modifiers entry window contains only those panels which are available for all of the added modifiers. In addition, in the window there will be shown a list of all the elements pasted from the clipboard.

Figure 2.192. Multiple draft modifiers entry window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Draft modifier editor window.

The viewing window allows the properties of one or more draft modifiers to be viewed.

The window is opened by the View command from the subordinate Draft menu directory. It is enabled only for drafts with the status Ready or Active.

If one draft modifier is selected, the Draft modifier window will open.

Figure 2.193. Draft modifier viewing window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Draft modifier editor window.

Selecting Close will close the viewer window.

When two or more draft modifiers are selected in the table for editing, the multiple modifier viewing window will open. It contains an additional panel displaying the selected draft modifiers. The title of the window's header changes over to Draft modifiers.

Figure 2.194. Multiple draft modifiers viewing window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Draft modifier editor window.

Selecting Close will close the viewer window.