Submit order

Submit order

To finish working with an order, you must submit it. In order to do so, press the Submit button in the Enter order screen. Alternatively, you can do it by entering the client's ID (then the guest tab will acquire values of this client and his/her promotion categories).

Figure 14.55. Submit order

After submitting the order, a seating layout or a list of guest tabs will open.

When all orders from the guest tab are submitted, you can select one of the following options:

  • send the guest tab to payment and close it (using the Send to payment and close command from the context menu);

  • send the guest tab to payment and leave it open (using the Send to payment and leave open command from the context menu);

  • split orders into two guest tabs (using the Split command from the context menu) and send one of the two guest tabs for payment;

  • go back and edit the guest tab.

Sending the guest tab to payment and closing it is usually the last thing you do with a guest tab in the Restaurant waiter mode.