Additional units of measurement panel in the Stock item window
Additional units of measurement panel in the Stock item window

The quantity of the stock item needed can differ from one production operation to another. For example, when preparing one portion of salad, the quantity of carrots is indicated in grams, whereas during the stock replenishment on the store it is specified in kilograms. Therefore, it is better to use grams in production records, and kilograms in stock-in records.

The Additional units of measurement panel is used to select additional units of measurement that will be used by default when you add stock items to the specifications of various store documents. Additional units of measurement must belong to the same group as the primary unit of measurement.

By default, additional units of measurement for stock items inherit the primary unit of measurement (specified in the Unit (stock item) field on the Properties panel).

Figure 7.276. Additional units of measurement panel

The Additional units of measurement panel is composed of the following fields: