Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations directory

Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations directory

Reason for restricted POS terminal operations window
Select restricted POS terminal operation reason type window

The Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations directory is intended to manage reasons specified on the POS terminal when performing restricted operations.

Location: Sales - Directories - Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations.

Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations are joined into groups to facilitate the operation with the directory. The groups are set by the developer and cannot be changed by the end user.

Figure 3.368. Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations window

Data grid columns:

The directory context menu contains the following commands:

The New reason for restricted POS terminal operations entry window is used to add a new reason for restricted POS terminal operations to the directory. The Reason for restricted POS terminal operations and Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations editor windows are used for editing.

The confirm delete prompt is used when deleting reasons for restricted terminal operations.