Sales rule window

Sales rule window

Access panel in the Sales rule window
Specification panel in the Sales rule window
Interval window
Day types panel in the Sales rule window
Day type for sales rule window

Windows used for managing the directory:

All of these windows are opened from the Sales rules directory.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command when one or more rules are selected.

If only one sales rule is selected, the Sales rule editor window will open.

The window is composed of the following panels: Properties , Access , Specification and Day types .

Figure 3.221. Sales rule editor window

The Properties panel is composed of the following fields:

Click OK to save data. Selecting Apply will save data without closing the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

The multiple editor window opens if two or more sales rules are selected for editing.

The title in the window header is Sales rules. A panel with the list of the selected sales rules is added to the editor window. The Specification panel is not displayed.

Figure 3.222. Multiple sales rules editor window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Sales rule window.

The entry window is used to add one or more new sales rules to the directory.

The New sales rule entry window is opened by the Add command or when adding a sales rule from the clipboard.

Figure 3.223. New sales rule entry window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Sales rule window.

The multiple entry window will open in case pasting more than one sales rule from the clipboard. Then a panel with a list of the selected sales rules is added to the window, and its title changes over to New sales rules.

Figure 3.224. Multiple sales rules entry window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Sales rule editor window.