Sales rules directory

Sales rules directory

Sales rule window
Access panel in the Sales rule window
Specification panel in the Sales rule window
Day types panel in the Sales rule window
Select sales rule window

The Sales rules directory is used to manage sales rules. Sales rules determine the sale price of menu items adjusted for promotion types, date and time of the sale.

Sales rules can contain various promotion types, promotion categories and day types to specify periods when these rules are applicable.

Location: Sales - Promotion directories - Sales rules.

Figure 3.220. Sales rules directory

Data grid columns:

The directory context menu contains the following commands:

The New sales rule and New sales rules windows are used for adding new sales rules to the directory. The Sales rule and Sales rules windows are used to edit sales rules. Changes can also be made using the Sales rules by promotion categories operational report.

The confirm delete prompt is used when deleting sales rules.

The Select sales rule window is used to open the directory from window fields.