Recalculate menu items

Recalculate menu items



The Recalculate menu items window is used for the recalculation of stock items listed in specifications of sales records.

Location: Store - Document operations - Recalculate menu items.

Figure 4.298. Menu item recalculation window

The window contains a filter panel where filter parameters selected by the user are displayed, and the Recalculate menu items panel.

Clicking Cancel will close the window without making any changes to sales record specifications.

Clicking OK begins recalculation. A progress indicator is displayed while the operation is being carried out.

When the menu item recalculation is complete, the Information window will open with the list of business days. During the recalculation process the list of tasks is being created to make necessary changes to sales records.

Figure 4.299. Information window with the list of updated business days

If this window does not display any business days, it means that there are no business days matching the selected criteria and as a result no changes have been made.

Data grid columns:

The context menu commands: