Inheriting security level

Inheriting security level

The security level can now be inherited by all system objects

No. 45135, 45326, 45788

The new mechanism simplifies access settings configuration: Now you can assign a common security level for the entire system or an entire group and assign different security levels to individual items and their groups.

The basic security level is set for all objects in the System settings window. After the system is installed, all groups and elements, which do not have their own security levels, will inherit the security level from the system settings. Inherited values are green.

Items contained in directories with groups inherit the security level from their groups, while groups inherit it from their parent groups. If a group's security level is changed, it will be inherited by all its child groups and items if no another security level was assigned to them.

If the item's security level was changed, it can be inherited only by those items that were created based on this item.

The Security level field in the item windows is now displayed on the separate Access panel. If the user is not authorised to change security levels, this panel will be hidden for him or her.

Figure 2.49. Inherited security level on the Access panel

The following objects inherit the security level in a different way:

  • an Employee inherits the security level from his or her User role;

  • a Division inherits the security level from its Partner;

  • a Promotion type inherits the security level from the Promotion formula;

  • a Keyboard shortcut action inherits the security level from its Keyboard shortcut action type;

  • an Authorisation device inherits the security level from its Authorisation device type;

  • a Fiscal register inherits the security level from its Fiscal register type;

  • a Device loader inherits the security level from its Location;

  • a Device inherits the security level from its parent device or from its Device loader;

  • a Software module created based on another module inherits the security level from its base Software module;

  • a Keyboard layout inherits the security level from its Software module;

  • a Software module screen form setting inherits the security level from its Software module;

  • a Software module print format inherits the security level from its Software module.