VAT in the sales system

VAT in the sales system

No. 45531

In the Sales section all prices and cost prices are calculated with VAT.

The new directory, VAT rates

No. 44960

The VAT rates directory was added to the Service section.

Figure 2.17. The VAT rates directory

All tax rates applicable to prices of stock items and menu items can be found in this directory.

Figure 2.18. VAT, % drop-down menu

VAT in the order specification

No. 46490

The following fields were added to the order specification: VAT,%, VAT price, VAT free price, as well as VAT amount, Amount without VAT.

Order specification items are grouped according to their VAT rates.

Figure 2.19. Order specification in a guest tab

The VAT,% and VAT price fields are displayed in the item specification panel. Tax rates are selected from the VAT rates directory.

Figure 2.20. Order item VAT

  • VAT,% is the value added tax rate (VAT) in percentage. This is a required field.

  • VAT price is the amount of VAT in the price expressed in monetary units. This is a required field.

No. 49277

The following fields were added to the prepaid credits specification in the guest tab: VAT,%, VAT price.

The prepaid credits are grouped by VAT rates according to the VAT rates of the ordered dishes. Total prepaid credits must equal the total cost of dishes with the same VAT rates. If these amounts do not match, the extra or the missing payment items will be balanced out by the cumulative payment item of this division in the final settlement of account.

Figure 2.21. Prepaid credits specification in a guest tab

The VAT,% and VAT price fields are displayed in the prepaid credits specification item window.

Figure 2.22. VAT of an order prepaid credits specification item

VAT in bills and receipts

No. 45549, 47239, 49291

The VAT,%, VAT price, and VAT amount fields were added to the bill and receipt sales specifications.

Figure 2.23. Bill specification

Figure 2.24. Receipt sales specification

The VAT, % and VAT price fields are displayed in the bill specification item and receipt sales specification item windows.

Figure 2.25. Bill specification item window

Figure 2.26. Receipt sales specification item window

  • VAT,% is the value added tax rate (VAT) in percentage. This is a required field.

  • VAT price is the amount of VAT in the price expressed in monetary units. This is a required field.

VAT in the menu

No. 44724, 44959

The VAT, % field is added for menu items and draft menu items. Values are selected in the VAT rates directory.

Figure 2.27. Select VAT value for a menu item from the VAT rates directory

VAT in stock items

No. 44961

Values in the VAT, % field of the stock item window are taken from the VAT rates directories.

Figure 2.28. Select VAT value for a stock item from the VAT rates directory

VAT in Promotion formulas

No. 45547

The Discount calculation functions directory was renamed Promotion formulas.

Now VAT rates can be changed in the promotion formula using a SQL query.

Figure 2.29.  VAT recalculation in a promotion formula

After a promotion category was assigned and amounts were recalculated according to the promotion type for the order item, the value in the VAT price field will be adjusted to the price and the new VAT rate.

Figure 2.30. VAT price recalculation for an order item

VAT and fiscal registrations

No. 46781, 46366

The VAT,% and VAT price fields were added to the fiscal registration specification.

Figure 2.31. Fiscal registration specification

The optional VAT, % and VAT price fields are displayed in the fiscal registration specification item window.

Figure 2.32. Fiscal registration specification item window

When payments are made, these fields are populated automatically.