Changes in the Tillypad XL Manager interface

Changes in the Tillypad XL Manager interface

Main menu structure

No. 45612

All options in the main menu are now structured. Missing options were added.

Main menu structure sequence:

  • Documents;

  • Operations on documents;

  • Operational reports;

  • Settings;

  • Directories.

Horizontal scroll bar

A horizontal scroll bar was added to display menu options with long names.

Figure 2.100. Main menu with a horizontal scroll bar

Launching additional operation windows

No. 47823

New commands for launching windows of all operations were added to the main menu of Tillypad XL Manager. Previously, you could only launch them from the context menu of directories.

These operations include:

  • Promotion recalculation;

  • Remote guest tab surveillance;

  • Print jobs log;

  • Timed service devices job log;

  • Remote surveillance;

  • Remote view;

  • Dependent modules;

  • Connected modules;

  • Task execution log;

  • IDs application.

Figure 2.101. Commands to launch operation windows from the main menu (in the Sales section)

Status bar

No. 44933

A status bar was added to the Tillypad XL Manager main window. It contains the following information:

  • name of the Tillypad XL segment (or is displayed in the following format server: database),

  • name of the logged in user,

  • details of the used licence (functionalities are illustrated by icons),

  • current date and time for this segment.

Figure 2.102. Status bar

New icons

Application and directory icons were updated, new ones were created. The icons to minimize and maximize windows were added.

Application icons

New icons were created for all Tillypad XL applications:

  • TillypadManager,

  • TillypadDomain,

  • TillypadSetup,

  • TillypadConfig,

  • TillypadPOS,

  • TillypadPOS (PAD),

  • TPDevLoader,

  • TPDevShell.

Directory icons

No. 45149, 45150, 45151, 45148, 45152

Icons were updated to illustrate elements in directories. Missing icons were added.

Icons are generated from a set of simple elements by specified rules. All icons consist of basic components that can be combined depending on the current function or state of the object.

Each group of icons (the group matches the sections: Menu, Sales, Store, etc.) has its own colour palette which simplifies their classification. Coloured frames with an object image inside are used to illustrate the status of store documents (stock-in records, stock-out records, stock adjustment records, etc.), sales documents (bills, receipts, orders, etc.), and drafts.

Icons to minimize and and maximize windows were edited.

Figure 2.103. New maximize window icon

Figure 2.104. New minimize window icon

Anchor windows

No. 43974

Changes were made to the operation procedure with anchor windows.

An active anchor window will not be hidden when opening a new one.

Figure 2.105. A window over an open anchor window

No. 44053

A time delay when restoring the status of windows was eliminated.

If none of thumbnail pictures is highlighted on the anchor window panel, the previous status of windows, i.e. the one before operating the anchor windows panel, will be restored.

Figure 2.106. The status can be restored if none of the thumbnail pictures is highlighted on the anchor windows panel.

Keyboard shortcuts

New keyboard shortcuts were added to the windows, select date range filter step, data grids, and Favourites.

Keyboard shortcuts in the windows

No. 41977, 44405, 44516

The following keyboard shortcuts were added to the windows:

  • Change logCtrl+H;

  • DeleteCtrl+Del;

  • ОКCtrl+Enter.

Figure 2.107. Keyboard shortcuts in a window

Keyboard shortcuts enabling to specify a date range for the filter wizard

No. 45794

The following keyboard shortcuts were added to specify a date range for the filter wizard:

  • TodayТ;

  • On this dayD;

  • In the last few daysL;

  • RangeR;

  • Beginning fromB;

  • Ending onE;

  • All timeA.

Figure 2.108.  Keyboard shortcuts to select a date range

Additional keyboard shortcuts in data grids

No. 45288

Context menu commands enabling to add items are associated with additional keyboard shortcuts (added to the standard ones):

  • Add (Ins) = Ctrl+I;

  • Add group (Alt+Ins) = Ctrl+Alt+I;

  • Add modifier or Add seating and device layout (Shift+Ctrl+Ins) = Shift+Ctrl+I;

Additional keyboard shortcuts are not shown in the context menu.

Figure 2.109.  Keyboard shortcuts to add elements to tables (additional options are hidden)

Keyboard shortcuts in Favourites

No. 45334

It is made possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to call commands in Favourites (Alt + a letter).

Keyboard shortcuts are selected from the Shortcut field in the Favourite window. Key combinations that are already used are removed from the list.

Figure 2.110. Keyboard shortcuts to call commands from Favourites (with Alt+A and Alt+C combinations removed)

Displaying system items

No. 43896

System items are no longer semibold so that they would not be confounded with required fields that are also semibold.

The System column was added to enable the user to filter system and non-system items. The System column is now displayed in all data grids the items of which can be exported and imported. The field displays one of the following values for each item: System or Non-system

Figure 2.111. System and non-system items of the directory

System tasks

No. 43896

The System column was added to the Tasks list. The System value is assigned to the tasks that do not have any type (these tasks are created by the developer). Tasks created by users are non-system.

Figure 2.112. System and non-system tasks

Authorisation window

No. 45053

When you log into the program, an authorisation window opens where the Additional panel is hidden by default.

Figure 2.113. Authorisation window

Press the Ctrl+Alt+F12 key combination to open the panel.

Figure 2.114. Authorisation window with the Additional panel opened

Information about all successful connections with their parameters will be saved in the TillypadManager.ini file. This allows you to quickly connect to familiar segments and avoid mistakes when entering connections parameters. The list of segment names for prior connections is available in the Segment field.

When entering the program the name of the most recent segment that was successfully connected is shown in the field. If the TillypadManager.ini does not have any information about prior connections, the window displays the Additional panel.

Exit program window

No. 46463

The following option was renamed in the exit program window:

  • Change user was renamed Change connection settings.

Figure 2.115. Exit program window

The maximum exit time after you select Exit program is 15 seconds.

User password encryption

No. 48542

User passwords are stored in the database in encrypted form.

In Tillypad XL Manager (in the Employee window and in the Change password window) and in Tillypad XL POS the user password is displayed as a sequence of symbols *.

Figure 2.116. Change password window in Tillypad XL Manager

Figure 2.117. Change password window in Tillypad XL POS

You cannot copy password using the clipboard.

Item inheritance

No. 46152

A mechanism was introduced to inherit from other elements. It implies creating an item (or group) on the basis of another item using all its attributes.

The Create based on command was added to the context menu of directories where item inheritance is enabled.

Figure 2.118. The Create based on command in the context menu

The Create based on command is included in the context menu of the following directories:

  • Menu;

  • Menu groups;

  • Draft menu;

  • Draft menu groups;

  • Software modules;

  • Software module print formats;

  • Screen print formats;

  • Report settings;

  • Stocktaking records document list.

When inheriting an item (or a group), the attributes of a basic item (or a group) are used. Inherited values are green.

Figure 2.119. Window of an item created based on another item

Rules of inheritance in the menu: if the menu item does not have its own name, but it is connected to stock item or a table, then the names of the stock item or the table are displayed respectively as the name of the menu item. If the menu item does not have its own stock item or table, the name of the basic item is displayed as the name of the menu item. Menu item IDs and price schedules are inherited only if corresponding values are specified in the Inherit IDs and Inherit price schedules fields.

Figure 2.120. Inheriting menu item IDs and price schedules

No. 45624

The Based on field contains only those objects that are enabled for the user.

Copying objects using the clipboard

No. 46151

The Add copy command was removed from the context menus. The clipboard is used to add a copy of one or more items or groups (the Clipboard menu in the context menu).

Figure 2.121. The Clipboard menu

Windows clipboard

No. 46151

You can use the Windows clipboard in all editable directories. The Windows clipboard allows you to copy data from one Tillypad XL Manager window to another or to other applications, as well as from a browser or any other application to Tillypad XL Manager.

When data are pasted in Tillypad XL Manager from an external application, the clipboard converting window opens where the user can align fields of the source and output tables.

Figure 2.122. Clipboard conversion window

If a directory contains objects of different types, the Select object window opens first when data are pasted from the Windows clipboard.

This selection window is opened when you paste data to the following directories:

  • Menu (menu item or modifier);

  • Draft menu (draft menu item or draft modifier);

  • Tables (table or seating layout);

  • Devices (device or device loader);

  • Report settings (report or report group).

Figure 2.123. Select object type window when pasting data from the Windows clipboard

The Windows clipboard has priority over the Tillypad XL Manager clipboard. If any data are available in the Windows clipboard, they will be pasted first, otherwise, it is data from the Tillypad XL Manager clipboard that will be pasted.

Filter wizard steps

No. 44660, 44962, 42137

Additional settings were added to the filter wizard. Any table from a directory or list can be selected as a filter wizard step. The Select date range step is always displayed last.

Filter wizard step header

The name of a filter step is the same as the name of the window that opens after all the steps have been be performed.

Figure 2.124. Filter wizard step header

Some filter wizard steps have been eliminated, but if they are used in reports created by the user, the Out of date message will be displayed.

Filter wizard steps for data grids with groups

Changes were made to steps of the filter wizard for data grids with groups.

In the Select item step the user can now select both items and groups. If a group is selected, all items in this group will be also selected. The context menu was added to the data grid in the filter wizard step.

Figure 2.125. The Select item filter step for a directory with groups

Enter string parameter in a filter step

No. 44368

The Hide password and Multilingual parameters were added to the Enter string value step of the filter wizard. Both parameters can own either of the values: Yes or No. The corresponding entry fields are displayed on the Additional panel of the Filter step window.

If Yes is selected for the Hide password parameter, the entered value will be hidden and *** symbols will be shown instead. It is used, for example, when entering passwords.

If Yes is selected for the Multilingual parameter, the string value entry field will support multiple languages.

Figure 2.126. Additional parameters to enter string values for the filter step

No. 45712

Input and output parameters in the Filter step window are now edited separately. Depending on the filter step the window can contain the Input parameters and Output parameters panels.

Figure 2.127. Filter step window

Changes in windows

No. 44363

Colour highlighting of values in the window fields

The rules of highlighting text in the data grid were set up for when the corresponding cells are made available for editing:

  • green is used for inherited values;

  • blue-green is used for the multiple values phrase that appears when you select two or more elements in the windows;

  • blue is used for values of inaccessible items;

  • red is used for values of deleted items;

Figure 2.128. Colour highlighting of values in the data grid

Special values such as inherited, multiple values, inaccessible, and deleted are always highlighted with their colours regardless of whether this field is active.

No. 47597

Autonumbering documents

You can still enter the number manually when automatically generating numbers in document windows.

Manually entered number has priority over the automatically generated one, i.e. the system will save the manually entered number.

When generating a document number automatically, the Generating number... message will be displayed. It will have the same colour as the Loading... message.

Figure 2.129. Document number autogeneration

Change log

No. 43632

The change log now displays a multilevel specification.

Figure 2.130. Multilevel change log

You can open the Change log in any window using the Additional button context menu.

No. 47783

The change log now displays the actual date and time when the object was changed in the current database. That means that the database to which the object was replicated displays the date when the object was received via the replication rather than the date when it was changed in the original database.

Sequence of values in the variant fields

No. 48401

The variant fields in the windows contain a list of values in the same order:

  • No,

  • Yes.

Figure 2.131. List in the variant field

The field names that used to have abbreviations were changed

No. 48398

Field names that used to have abbreviations were changed in the document lists.

  • Date(b) was renamed Bill date (in Guest tabs, Orders);

  • Total(p) was renamed Total by purchase (in Stocktaking records);

    Amount (orders) was renamed Total by orders (in Orders);

    Total(m) was renamed Total by menu (in Guest tabs, Orders);

    Total(c) was renamed Total by cost price (in store documents, Stock on hand, Stock item turnover);

  • Price(unit) was renamed Price per unit (in Menu item purchase price);

    Price(p) was renamed Purchase price (in Stock item purchase price, store documents);

    Price(m) was renamed Price by menu (in Guest tabs, Orders)

    Price(port.) was renamed Price per portion (in Menu item purchase price);

    Total(c) was renamed Total by cost price (in store documents, Stock on hand, Stock item turnover, Planned cost)

    Price(b) was renamed Price in bill (in Guest tabs, Orders);

  • Remaining(s) was renamed On hand (start of interval) (in Stock item turnover);

    Remaining(e) was renamed On hand (end of interval) (in Stock item turnover).

Figure 2.132. Renamed fields

Generation of names for new employees and regular customers using their personal profiles

No. 46736, 45737

Values in the Name field (Surname + Name + Middle name) are automatically generated in the new employee and new client windows based on their personal profiles.

Figure 2.133. Generating employee name based on their personal profile