Stock items directory

Stock items directory

Stock item window
Access panel in the Stock item window
Photograph panel in the Stock item window
Nutritional value panel in the Stock item window
Cold preparation wastage panel in the Stock item window
Cooking wastage panel of Stock item
IDs panel in the Stock item window
Recipe panel in the Stock item window
Preparation instructions panel in the Stock item window
Butchering panel in the Stock item window
Weight panel in the Stock item window
Substitutes panel in the Stock item window
Stock item group window
Access panel in the Stock item group window

The Stock items directory is intended to manage stock items and stock item groups.

Stock items are all saleable goods that are held in stores of the company: foodstuffs, associated goods, equipment, furniture, expendables, etc.

Location: Store - Directories - Stock items.

The window contains a collapsible list of stock items and stock item groups. Stock item groups are nodes of the list. Each stock item group can be composed of stock items and some other groups.

In the data grid all displayed attributes are applicable only to stock items. As for groups only their titles are made available. Other attributes can be only viewed in the Stock item groups directory's data grid.

Figure 4.336. Stock items window

Data grid columns:

The directory context menu contains the following commands:

The New stock item group entry window is used to add a new stock item group to the directory. The New stock item groups entry window is used to add two or more stock item groups to the Stock item groups directory. Attributes of the selected stock item groups can be altered using the Stock item group and Stock item groups editor windows.

The New stock item and New stock items entry windows are used for adding new stock items to the directory. Attributes of the selected stock items can be altered using the Stock item and Stock items editor windows.

The confirm delete prompt is used when deleting stock items.

The Select stock item window is used to select stock items from windows in other directories.