Client window

The New client, Client and Clients windows are used for adding, viewing and editing clients.

All of these windows are opened from the Clients directory.

The Client and Clients windows can also be opened from the Client sales report ~ by business day operational report.

Entry window

The New client entry window is opened by the Add command in the directory context menu.

The New client window contains the additional panels Client accounts, Points and IDs.

New client entry window

Form fields in the Properties panel:

Selecting OK will add the information to the directory and close the entry window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving the information. Selecting Apply will add the information to the directory without closing the entry window.

Editor window

The editor window is opened by the Edit command in the context menu when one or more clients are selected.

If one client is selected, the Client editor window opens.

Client editor window

The fields are the same as in the New client window.

Multiple editor window

The multiple clients editor window opens when more than one client is selected for editing.

The name of the window is Clients. This window includes a panel with a list of the selected clients.

Clients multiple editor window

The multiple editor window contains only the Client accounts, Points and IDs panels.

Changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected clients.

Client accounts panel in the Client window

The Client accounts panel displays accounts belonging to the client.

Client accounts can be used to pay for goods and services. Balances are corrected automatically when accounts are used for payment. Deductions and deposits can be made manually (see Client account operations).

Client accounts panel in the Client window

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

and the commands in the Additional functions submenu.

The New client account, Client account and Client accounts windows are used for adding and editing client accounts.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting client accounts.


If an account has a balance greater than zero, it will not be deleted by the Delete command; the Minimum balance will be set to zero.

Points panel in the Client window

The Points panel provides a statement of the client's current balance of different point types. Points can be deposited automatically (using a scheduled task) or manually (see Client points operations).

Points panel in the New client window

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

and the commands in the Additional functions submenu.

IDs panel in the Client window

The IDs panel contains a list of IDs that are assigned to the client.

IDs panel in the New client window

Data grid columns:


The Issued on field is populated automatically when changes are saved. It is not editable and its value does not change when the ID is edited.

Context menu commands:

and the commands in the Additional functions submenu.

The New client ID window is used for adding client IDs. The Client ID and Client IDs windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting client IDs.

Personal profile panel in the Client window

Fields in the Personal profile panel are populated with data from the Personal profiles directory.

Personal profile panel in the New client entry window

Personal profile panel fields correspond to the fields in the Properties panel of the Personal profile editor window:

Photograph panel in the Client window

The Photograph panel is displayed when a personal profile is specified for the client.

Photograph panel in the New client entry window

This panel contains one field which displays file attributes - its name, size and resolution.

The image is selected from the computer's hard drive. Once selected, a copy of the image can be saved, or the image can be deleted.