v8.22 New feature - Change log in guest tabs
Change log is now available for guest tabs. It is accessed using the Change log command in the Additional button menu.

Guest tab windows

Windows used with guest tabs:

The entry window is used to enter a new guest tab or guest tabs.

Entry window

The New guest tab window is opened by the Add command from the directory context menu.

The window contains the Properties, Specification, Privileges and Points operations panels.

Guest tab entry window

The Properties panel is for entering the main attributes of the new guest tab.

Properties panel fields:


Sending for payment closes the guest tab automatically.

Selecting OK will add the guest tab to the document list and close the entry window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving the guest tab. Selecting Apply will add the guest tab to the document list without closing the window.

The Delete command in the Additional menu is disabled.

Multiple entry window

If multiple documents are added simultaneously from the clipboard to the list of guest tabs, the multiple guest tabs entry window will open.

Multiple guest tabs entry window

The multiple guest tabs entry window contains a panel with a list of the guest tabs from the clipboard.

The fields and panels are the same as in the New guest tab window.

The editor window allows one or more guest tabs to be edited simultaneously.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command in the context menu when one or more guest tabs are selected.

Editor window

If one guest tab is selected, the Guest tab editor window opens.

The window fields are only available for editing when the guest tab has the Open or Open for changes status.

Guest tab editor window

The fields and panels are the same as in the New guest tab window.

The Delete command in the Additional menu is available only for guest tabs with the Open or Open for changes status.

To close a guest tab, the Date closed and Employee fields must be populated, and the guest tab must be marked as Closed.

Note 1

The Closed status can only be assigned to a guest tab when all orders on the guest tab have been submitted. Otherwise an error message will be returned.

Error message

Note 2

The Closed status can only be assigned to a guest tab when the date the guest tab was closed closed is later than the date the guest tab was opened. Otherwise an error message will be returned.

Error message

Note 3

The Closed can only be assigned to the guest tab, when all orders of that guest tab are included in the time period between guest tab opening and closing. So all orders must be created later than the guest tab was opened but earlier than the guest tab was closed. Otherwise an error message will be returned.

Error message

If the guest tab has the status Closed, none of its properties except for its status can be edited. All fields in the editor window except the Guest tab status field are disabled. The Delete command in the Additional menu is unavailable.

Editor window for guest tab with status Closed

Multiple editor window

The multiple guest tabs editor window will open when multiple guest tabs are selected for editing.

The name of the window is Guest tabs. This window includes a panel with a list of the selected guest tabs.

Multiple guest tabs editor window

When multiple guest tabs are selected for editing, any changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected guest tabs.

Specification panel in the Guest tab window

The Specification panel is used for entering the orders and order items associated with the guest tab.


Orders and order items can also be managed in the Orders list.

Specification panel in the Guest tab window

The Specification panel contains a data grid with orders and the order items they contain.


You can also select a menu item shortcut to the order specification.

Data grid columns:

The specification context menu contains the commands:

Orders are added to the guest tab specification using the New order and New orders windows. The Order and Orders windows are used for editing.

Menu items are added to the order specification in the guest tab using the New order item and New order items windows.

The Order item and Order items are used for editing.

The Order item and Order items windows are used for viewing order specification elements of guest tabs with the status Fulfilled.

The Select menu item window is used to select a parent element for the order specification element.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting order specification elements. The element can be deleted from the specification of the order with the Not ready status only.

Privileges panel in the Guest tab window

The Privileges panel is used for entering additional privileges, that, along with the main guest tab privilege (specified in the Properties panel) are taken into account when the guest tab is paid.

Privileges panel in the guest tab entry window

The Privileges panel contains a list of additional privileges applied to the guest tab.

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New guest tab privilege window is used to add new additional privileges to the guest tab specification.

The Guest tab privilege and Guest tab privileges windows are used for editing privileges.

The Guest tab privilege and Guest tab privileges windows are used for viewing privileges of guest tabs with the status Closed.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting guest tab privileges. Only privileges of the guest tabs with Open or Open for changes status can be deleted.

A guest tab with the status Closed cannot be edited and in the specification context menu the Edit command is replaced by the View command.

Points operations panel in the Guest tab window

The Points operations panel is used for entering point adding and point deducting operations, that are taken into account when the guest tab is paid.

Points operations panel in the guest tab entry window

The Points operations panel contains a list of points operations with attributes of the seleted operations.

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New guest tab points operation window is used for adding a new points operation to the guest tab specification.

The Guest tab points operation and Guest tab points operations windows are used for editing points operations.

The Guest tab points operation and Guest tab points operations windows are used for viewing properties of points operations for guest tabs with the status Closed.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting points operations. Only points operations of the guest tabs with Open or Open for changes status can be deleted.