Personal profile windows

Windows used with personal profiles: New personal profile entry window,

Personal profile and Personal profiles editor windows.

Entry window

The entry window is used to enter a new personal profile.


Remember that the storage and use of personal information is regulated by the Data Protection Act!

The New personal profile window is opened by the Add command in the context menu of the viewer window.

The window contains the additional panel Photograph.

New personal profile entry window

Properties panel fields:

Selecting OK will add the data to the directory and close the entry window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving. Selecting Apply will add the data to the directory without closing the entry window.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command in the context menu when one or more personal profiles are selected.

Editor window

If one personal profile is selected, the Personal profile editor window opens.

Personal profile editor window

The fields and panels are the same as in the New personal profile window.

Multiple editor window

When two or more personal profiles are selected for editing, the multiple personal profiles editor window will open. It has a panel displaying a list of the selected personal profiles.

Personal profiles multiple editor window

The multiple personal profiles editor window contains only the Properties panel.

Changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected personal profiles.

Photograph panel in the Personal profile window

The Photograph panel is used to upload a photograph of the profile owner. Supported formats are .jpg, .ico and *.bmp.

Photograph panel in the Personal profile window

This panel contains one field which displays file attributes - its name, size and resolution.

The image is selected from the computer's hard drive. Once selected, a copy of the image can be saved, or the image can be deleted.

Photograph added