v8.21 Background image panel added to seating and device layout editor window
The Background panel is used to specify a background image for use with a seating and device layout.

Seating and device layout windows

Windows used with seating and device layouts:

The editor window is opened by the Edit command in the Tables directory context menu when one or more seating and device layouts are selected.

If one layout is selected, the Seating and device layout editor window will open.

The window contains the Properties, Background and Seating layout panels.

Seating and device layout editor window

Properties panel fields:

Selecting OK will add the data to the directory and close the window. Selecting Apply will add the data to the directory without closing the window.

Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving any changes.

When two or more layouts are selected for editing, the multiple editor window will open. It has a panel displaying a list of the selected layouts. The title in the window header is Seating and device layouts.

The window contains only the Properties and Background panels and the additional panel displaying the selected layouts.

Multiple seating and device layouts editor window

When multiple records are selected for editing, any changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected records.

The fields and panels are the same as in the Seating and device layout window.

The New seating and device layout is opened by the Add seating and device layout command from the Tables directory context menu.

New seating and device layout entry window

The fields and panels are the same as in the Seating and device layout window.

The copy window is used to add a copies of one or more selected layouts.

The Seating and device layout. Copy window is opened by the Add copy of seating layout command in the context menu of the Tables directory when one layout is selected.

Seating and device layout. Copy window

The fields and panels are the same as in the Seating and device layout window.

If two or more layouts are selected for copying, the Seating and device layouts. Copies window will open.

This window contains only the Properties and Background panels.

Seating and device layouts. Copies window

The fields and panels are the same as in the Seating and device layout window.

Background panel in the Seating and device layout window

The Background panel is used to specify a background image for the seating and device layout.

Background panel

The Background panel contains a field that displays the file name, information and a preview of the background image.

Seating layout panel in the Seating and device layout window

The Seating layout panel is used to create and edit the on-screen layout.

Seating layout panel

The Seating layout panel contains an editing canvas.

The Seating layout panel context menu contains the following commands:

The Resize window is used to edit item dimensions.

The New item window is used to add a new item to the seating layout.

The Delete and Resize commands, as well as the Edit menu become available when at least one image is selected on the layout. The Align and Group commands become available when two or more images are selected.

Context menu when multiple images are selected on the layout

Selecting Delete in the context menu deletes the selected table image permanently.

Selecting Edit opens a submenu containing commands for working with the clipboard, undoing and redoing actions.

Edit submenu

Selecting Align will open a submenu containing options for aligning images.

Align submenu

Selecting Group will open a submenu containing options for joining images in a group.

Group submenu