Price schedule windows

Windows used with price schedules:

The editor window allows one or more price schedules to be edited.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command in the context menu when one or more price schedules are selected.

Editor window

If one price schedule was selected for editing, the Price schedule window will open. The window contains the Properties and Specification panels.

Price schedule editor window

Fields in the Properties panel:

Selecting OK will add the item to the directory and close the entry window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving the item. Selecting Apply will add the item to the directory without closing the window.

Multiple editor window

When two or more price schedules are selected for editing, the multiple price schedules editor window will open. It has a panel displaying a list of the selected price schedules. The title in the window header is Price schedules.

This window contains only the Properties panel.

Multiple price schedules editor window

When multiple price schedules are selected for editing, any changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected price schedules.

Entry window

The New price schedule window is used to add a new price schedule to the directory.

The window is opened by the Add command from the context menu of the Price schedules directory.

The entry window contains the Properties and Specification panels.

Price schedule entry window

Specification panel in the Price schedule window

The Specification panel contains a list of the intervals during which the price schedule will apply, and the menu items or menu item shortcuts whose price or availability changes in those intervals.


At least one price in the specification must be different from the standard menu price in order to save the price schedule.

Each interval is represented by a separate column in the data grid. Each menu item or menu item shortcut is represented on a separate row.

If a menu item or menu item shortcut is taken from a draft menu, the Draft column contains the name of the draft to which it belongs.

Specification panel of the price schedule editor window

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New price schedule menu item window is used to add a new menu item to a price schedule. The Price schedule menu item window is used to edit a menu item already in a price schedule.

New intervals are added using the New price schedule interval window. Existing intervals are edited using the Price schedule interval window.

The Price in price schedule and Prices in price schedule windows are used to edit prices in a price schedule.