Processing wastage percentages in recipes operational report

The Processing wastage percentages in recipes operational report is used to view and edit processing wastage percentages for ingredients in stock item recipes.

Location: Store -> Operational reports -> Processing wastage percentages in recipes.

Processing wastage percentages in recipes operational report

The window contains a panel with filter parameters and a panel listing the elements that match the selected filter parameters.

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

Cold preparation wastage panel of the Stock item window

The Cold preparation wastage panel contains cold preparation wastage types representing different methods of preparing the stock item.

Cold preparation wastage panel

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

New cold preparation wastage types are added using the New cold preparation wastage type window. The Cold preparation wastage type and Cold preparation wastage types windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting cold preparation wastage types.